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PART 1 (See questions below)

PART 2 (See questions below)

Lesson Plan

Talk about it with a parent and write your answers in your journal.


1. At first, where did the Bear cubs get their money? How did they spend it?

2. Where do you get money?

3. What are some ways the Bear cubs earned money?

4. Was the item the Bear cubs saved money for a need or a want?

5. How did Mama and Papa Bear feel about how the cubs earned money? Why did the cubs want to earn money?

6. What did Papa Bear want the cubs to learn about money?

7. What did the Bear family do to help the cubs learn about money? What did the Bear family do to help the cubs learn to plan ahead?



Some examples of needs are:

1. water,

2. air, and

3. love.

Some examples of wants are:

1. toys,

2. candy, and

3. televisions.

Can you think of 5 examples of wants and needs? Write them in your journal.

Have you heard the following phrases? What do they mean?

1. Money doesn't grow on trees.

2. I am not made of money.

3. You must save for a rainy day.

4. Don't be a spendthrift.

What other phrases have you heard about money?


PARENTS: Create an allowance plan with your child . Help them see it as a resource. Explain what a resource is. Talk about how much and how often allowance will be given. Finally, decide on the rules. For example, no early replenishment of allowance because it was misused. However, an investment may be given to support a great business idea.

This will help your child understand the importance of saving, creating a budget, and managing their money wisely.

piggy bank diy petals.png

Piggy Bank Activity

1. Get creative! Your bank can look like this one or very different.

2. Look in your box for what you need to do this activity.

3. In addition to the supplies in your box, you will need a scissors, tape, glue & water bottle or jar (like a mayonnaise jar). Please ask for help if you use hot glue or scissors.

4. Cut a slot into the water bottle & strip of paper you'll use for the body (skip this step if you'd rather unscrew the nose to put money inside).

5. Cut a strip for the body of the pig. Use tape.

6. Cut out ears for your piggy and glue them on as shown.

7. Cut out a nose the size of the bottle cap. Draw 2 dots on the nose as shown.

8. Glue the eyes on or draw your own.

9. Glue feet on and you're done!

money jar 1.png

Click. Print. Frame.

Print this one or make your own. Frame it or stick it on your wall!

1. Fill out the $avings Pledge above or create your own.


2. You make the rules! Create money promises that help you start great money habits.

Some examples of money promises are:

   I. I will save at least 50% (half) of all money I receive.

  II. I will invite God into all the decisions I make about money.

 III. I will not spend more than 50% of my savings. For example, if I've saved $200, then I can only buy something that is $100 or less. I cannot buy something that costs $102.


3. Make a plan. Ask Mom and Dad to give you your own calendar. Write down when you will put money into your piggy bank or bank account. If you get money that you did not expect (like when your grandma squeezes your cheek and gives you $5), think about saving it.


4. Get back on track if you fall behind with your savings goal. Just ask Mom and Dad if you can do an extra chore to earn money. Easy!


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