Be Different, Be Phenomenal, And Now...
Be Featured!
Just Be-YOU-tiful Girls loves little girls who are doing BIG things! We celebrate girls who are making a positive impact in their communities. Click below if you know a girl who deserves to be featured. Tell us all about her and what she's done. Include her name, age, a profile picture, and pictures of her in action. Only send pictures that you don't mind us posting. So go ahead, brag! We're proud of her too!
Disclaimer: A submission does not guarantee an automatic feature. We do our best to go through all submissions in a timely fashion.
Charisma Mercer
If Jesus had a 13th disciple, her name would be Charisma. Charisma truly lives up to her name. Through her Sunshine Ministry, she has been spilling buckets of sunshine at her church with one simple and loving gesture of kindness. Charisma has a special place in her heart just for elderly ladies! After each service, she makes her rounds to each and every last one of them, giving out and collecting warm hugs, kisses, and a few minutes of conversation! Her adopted grandmas look forward to this time with her and say that she makes them feel very special.
Well done, Charisma! We just have 1 question: Do you offer Rent-a-Granddaughter services?

Cori Broadus, 17
Beautiful Cori Broadus had been teased about her skin tone most of her life and it lead to her feeling less than confident about herself and her beautiful brown skin. She reveals that when her parents would tell her that she was in fact beautiful, she thought that they were only saying this because she was their daughter. Fortunately, as she grew, she began to accept herself and it was liberating! Now Cori uses her platform to spread a positive and powerful message of self-love, "I can finally say I'm comfortable in my own skin, grew up despising the skin tone I was in because it's been bashed for so long & society has been putting in our heads that dark is ugly. For all you beautiful chocolate girls/women out there, you're BEAUTIFUL and don't let anyone tell you different."
We love it, Cori! Sometimes we can't imagine that our down times would one day uplift others.

Alena Pitts,13
Alena is an actress and author, among a host of other things. She is an outstanding role model for young girls, including her own 3 younger sisters. Alena may be best known for her role as Danielle in the award winning film, War Room. She says that since starring in the movie, her own prayer life has improved tremendously!
At just 13, Alena already has several books published, including the wildly popular trilogy, Hello Stars. With all this success, Alena has managed to stay grounded and focused on what's important: God, family, school, and just being a kid. Her mother, Wynter Pitts says it beautifully when referring to watching Alena act in War Room. "I was grateful and I was convinced that, although I play a significant role as her mother, who she is and what God has planned for her has little to do with me. Each moment on set with her was a reminder to me that my four daughters are actually not mine at all, they are His. And the beautiful story that is blossoming is one written by none other than the Creator Himself, God." How's that for being grounded?
Do we hear applause? Oh! That's us! We can't wait to see how God unfolds the rest of Alena's life story!
Author Alena Pitts & Co-Author Wynter Pitts

Naomi Wadler,11
Eleven year old Naomi Wadler bravely walked on stage at a March For Our Lives event to give a moving speech in front of thousands of attendees. She had recently organized a walkout at her school and was requested to give a speech at the event. Under her leadership, her schoolmates observed 17 minutes of silence for the 17 Parkland shooting victims plus one additional minute for Courtlin Arrington, an aspiring nurse, who was gunned down in her classroom.
Naomi said, "I am here today to acknowledge and represent the African American girls whose stories don't make the front page of every national newspaper, whose stories don't lead on the evening news.
...My speech might not have caused a giant impact on society, but I do hope all the Black girls and women realize there's a growing value for them."
On behalf of Black women and girls everywhere (those who know their value and those who don't) we say thank you, Naomi! Keep up the good work!